It's time ⏳ to shift that mindset.
Healer, it's not about being "fair"
🗣What one person thinks it fair, someone else will have a totally different opinion.
Here's a great example:
👉One person walks into Chanel and buys a purse & a blouse and is SO excited and happy and is totally fine with the pricing
👉Another person could walk in and be like 'oh fuck that', I'm going to Walmart.
Your perception is your reality.
👁Shift your perception, shift your reality.
Feel into this (journal prompts!)
👉How do YOU feel about your pricing?
👉When someone books, what are the emotions/feelings that surface?
👉When you talk about your pricing, what comes up?
👉Is anyone booking at your current price?
Here's 3️⃣ ways to know it's TIME to
raise your prices: 📌side note: these aren't the only ways but ways I see often that it's time!
If you feel any resentment, dread, low vibration feelings:
🚀 time to raise the pricing.
If you've been sitting at the same price forever and gaining experience
🚀time to raise your prices
If no one is booking
(messaging is also important here as well as are you actually showing up and selling)
🔥a pricing change just be the energetic shift YOU need.
Recently I raised my prices...
👁I got clear within myself
⚡️Energetically tested out several prices
🔥Raised them
💥the amount of bookings I got shortly after blew my mind.
🙅♀️It's not about being 'fair'
🙅♀️It's not about what everyone else is charging
It's YOUR business
🔥What feels good for YOU?
Are YOU ready to expand your healing business online and step into $5k months Expand your Healing Business to $5k Months using Soul Aligned Strategy, Elevating Your Mindset and Harmonizing Your Energy to Your Soul Mission?
Is this you??? 👉ESTABLISHED healer w/ a biz desiring more money & time freedom 👉sick of sleezy/bro marketing tactics 👉afraid to raise your prices (or don't want to) 👉want to expand your biz but don't know how 👉imposter syndrome keeping you frozen
Are you ready to... 💃Be paid abundantly for your gifts 💃Have consistent paying clients at high value levels 💃Create a library of offers for more time freedom 💃Grow your biz with ease online
Grab my FREE Guide: 5 Tips on Launching (or re-launching) your healing business with ease here
Are you ready now?? Action takers are my kinda souls (because…same!).This month I am looking for 10 healers who are ready to launch or relaunch their business so they can book their first or next 10 clients with EASE. Learn
DM me: 'Launch My Healing Biz' on Instagram by clicking here!
Or learn more about Launch Your Healing Business Academy here.
Sending you BIG flowy vibes!