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Free Resources

Vibe higher and FEEL aligned af with these free resources to support you on your journey!

Melt Fear Audio

Alchemize Fear in Your Healing Business

In this new method of melting fear you will literally transmute fears and blocks you have been experiencing that have been holding you back in your Healing business.


Methods that we're used to (like journaling, meditations, shadow work etc) take weeks, months, sometimes even YEARS to clear fears and unhelpful thought patterns.  

In my world?  We do things radically different.

You will notice a shift IMMEDIATELY as I use specific language, metaphors and activations to speak directly to your subconscious mind.

In this fun, guided audio, you will 

  1. Learn a new way of thinking so you can see things from a different perspective than you've seen before which speaks directly to your subconscious mind   

  2. Be guided through 2 short yet POWERFUL activations where you will not only feel the shift taking place but also, likely giggle with me through it ;) 

  3. Be given a 3-30 second aligned action step to continue to move forward in your transformation, up into your POWER so you can get your work out into the world

It's TIME for you to Break Free from Fear and Ignite Your Confidence in your Healing Business, the world is ready for you.

Let's melt🧊🔥

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Inner Child Meditation

Melt Subconscious Blocks & Manifest with EASE

The reason you're not manifesting probably isn't what you *think* it is and it's also most likely NOT why you're feeling a lack of clarity.

You're born with an abundance of clarity and access to your intuition. You're also manifesting literally all the time.

The fact that you are feeling "stuck" or "blocked" has nothing to do with the fact that it's just not available to you


(did I just hear you exhale?😮‍💨)


The lack of clarity and manifestations you had been experiencing is a result of your subconscious mind (and possibly even past lives) holding you back from launching, feeling like a fraud, fear of your own power and truly just not knowing what steps to take next.  


This is where I come in, like your fairy godmother, waving my magic wand and literally dissipating those blocks that had been causing you to feel stuck and lack of clarity.  


After this free masterclass, you will feel energized, clear, aligned af so you can take steps forward with confidence in your life and healing business

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Melt Blocks

Healing the Witch Wound Workbook

In this workbook, you will learn:

  1. What exactly a witch wound is so you can easily identify them within yourself.  

  2. Top 5 signs you’re carrying a witch wound with full descriptions of what they mean and how they show up in your life and healing business.

  3. Journaling prompts that directly relate to the top 5 witch wounds so you can start the healing process and free yourself from the chains of lifetimes of the past.


Signs of imposter syndrome as a healer, how it shows up in your healing business and the actual truths behind these soul sucking beliefs.  


A checklist to support your healing process for your journaling prompts to dive deeper.

Inner Child Meditation

Inner Child Healing Guided Meditation

In this new method of healing the inner child meditation, you will transmute how you have been perceiving and collapse time on your healing.

10 minutes - that's all it takes with this inner child healing method.
     🙅‍♀️Not days
     🙅‍♀️Not months
     🙅‍♀️Not YEARS


When I did this for a client, it completely BLEW MY MIND and I knew I had to bring it to you

     🖤She had tears of relief for the woman who had been experiencing turmoil as an adult from what she experienced as a child, an exhale

I had a realization on how this methodology completely alchemizes how things have been so you can be free & clear to operate your healing business at an even higher frequency with even more clarity, logic, intuition, creativity and power.

Now I present this to YOU, Healer.  Let's sink in

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Magnetize Your Soulmate Client Guided Meditation

Raise your vibration and manifest your soulmate client in this 15 minute FREE Meditation infused with Intuitive Quantum Healing and come back any time to receive the healing!

🔮Lean back and go inward with me while I 

  • Guide you in a fun meditation

  • Magnify your manifestation with Quantum Healing

  • Anchor your manifestation in with visuals, sounds & scents 

🔥PLUS I give you a SIMPLE ritual to follow with your guided meditation to help anchor in the personal power even more.

All you need to do is be open to receive

Launch Your Healing Business Guide

In this guide, you will learn:

  1. Who your soulmate client is so you can call them into your business and create content that speaks directly to them.

  2. How to create clear magnetic messaging and content so your soulmate clients know what you have to offer and will be ready to book ASAP

  3. How to package your services with pricing that feels supportive for you and is energetically aligned.

  4. Showing up with confidence so you can book those client sessions!

  5. Mindset and nervous system regulation so you can stay off the entrepreneurial rollercoaster and show up aligned and grounded.  


Money Mindset and manifestation tips so you while you're doing the 3d aligned strategy steps, you can call in your dreamy clients in the Quantum Field too!


A check list to support your process with journaling prompts to gain more clarity.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out

Journaling Guide

This simple Journaling Guide includes:

  • My exclusive Journal to Heal Method™️ that have helped my 1:1 clients have HUGE breakthroughs

  • 7 Days of Journal Prompts to get you connected to your Soul

  • 5 simple tips to help you incorporate journaling into your life

  • Bonus my top ten Zen AF tips to help you put the brakes on daily stress

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Empath's Guide to Energy Protection

Being an Empath doesn't HAVE to be draining! It CAN be a super power!​

I have found several helpful ways to release the energy you're carrying and protect your energy so you can still give all the Empath love you have without draining yourself.

In this simple pdf, I've included 8 ways to

  • Release energy that you've picked up from others

  • Protect your energy from low frequencies

  • Release energy that's not serving you 

  • Simple smudging ritual using sage

  • Archangel Michael Protection Prayer

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Anxiety Release Guide

Release anxiety and calm the mind and body.  


This amazing guide is for you if you're feeling anxious, overwhelmed and you're ready to live your life more present and less stressed. 

You will learn how to:

  • Recognize when the anxiety attacks come on

  • Become aware of what you were thinking

  • Be aware of how your body is feeling when this happens

  • Take simple steps to take to calm your mind and come back to your body.

In this simple pdf, I’ve included 7 of my favorite simple ways that I calm anxiety so you can too! 

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Image by Samuel Austin

Woo Woo Basics

Want to learn the basics of crystals, meditation & saging but don’t know where to even begin? I’ve taken the complexity of spirituality for beginners and simplified it.

This FREE 16 page e-book includes: 

  • Crystal basics

  • Top 5 Crystals for beginners 

  • Meditation basics 

  • 5 simple steps to meditation

  • sage basics 

  • 3 step ritual to sage yourself and your home

  • Plus my journaling prompts pdf 

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