Feel the difference of
Quantum Illumination Reiki™️
A 20 minute healing experience where you’ll actively feel in your body the potent difference that Quantum Illumination Reiki™️ can activate within you as we tap into the 5D and leverage reiki on a DNA and cellular level
During this experience I’ll intentionally activate traditional styles of reiki (Usui and Karuna) in the body and then we’ll shift into activating the master key of QIR where you will feel your entire body being illuminated with potency and power of this energy healing.
During just 20 minutes or less, Healers were telling me:
they noticed a physical difference between the 3 styles of reiki with QIR being noticeably stronger and intensifying Usui and Karuna with tangible frequency shifts in the body
they felt nervous with upcoming life situations prior to the healing beginning and then felt very calm, relaxed and aligned in less than 10 minutes
Felt heaviness in her solar plexus and heart chakras to Hearing high frequencies tones and then locked in like a magnet to planet Earth being grounded, pulling the energy out
This style of reiki will allow you to feel this energy with more strength.
$7.77 - today only (immediate access )
originally: $33
Immediate & lifetime of the healing video access upon sign up.
Imagine a healing experience within the Quantum Field using 5D+ frequency
When you leverage healing frequencies at this level, the shifts and healing at a subconscious and cellular level happen quickly without teetering so much in and out of 3d like you’re buckled into a rickety old wooden rollercoaster, throwing your hands in the air and wondering when the ride will be done.
Client testimonials:
At first I didn't have anything come up and then {all of a sudden} out of no where I realized what a situation that has been weighing on me was actually about and started to shift it!
I had a clearer understanding of certain things that had been heavy on my mind as well as being more at peace with where I am right now. I had a lot of emotions come up but I felt less overwhelmed by them. Thank you for what you do, I look forward to the next session.
I felt more peaceful inside after getting the quantum illumination reiki, with much less anxious thoughts running through my brain. It helped my mind, body, emotional self relax, and move into a more peaceful state. Loved it!! I also received a download during the quantum illumination reiki about a block that’s been coming up for me. Thank you!
I was riding a super high and being super over stimulated because of it...and I felt a calm come over me and was able to settle and not feel overstimulated but still held that deep joy that I was feeling. I slept really good last night and work up mellow and rested.
Today, I am super energized. I did not sleep as solidly last night, I woke up a few times, but I feel SO rested and ready to take this day by storm.
I feel so chill and unbothered. I have been feeling nervous for the last couple of days...now I just woke up with an "I don't care" attitude. Yes I am still aware of the fears but they are further away.
$7.77 (75% off) -Immediate & lifetime of the healing video access upon sign up.

Christian Jones, Reiki Master with 9+ years experience and founder of Quantum Illumination Reiki™️
When I channeled Quantum Illumination Reiki in June 2021, I asked: Why this style, and why now?
The answer was clear: as humanity awakens and the planet’s frequency rises, we need higher frequencies to support deeper healing and ascension.
Quantum Illumination Reiki vibrates at a higher level, healing in ways traditional styles can’t, to meet the energetic demands of this new era.
It’s an honor to share this transformative modality with you.
Let’s heal, play, and ascend in the quantum field together.
I did the 20 min demo!!!! loved it! such a frequency upgrade
I feel calm and relaxed. Literally could feel how some muscles relaxed - mainly shoulders, legs and jaw. There was definitely some pain in my left leg that is better now
After the healing mymind was calm and still is calm. I was able to start "living life". I've started working out daily, journaling, eating better and reading. I feel absolutely amazing and feel like nothing will ever get in my way.
No dreams this time but wow! It's been a long time since I got up with such energy! My alarm went off and myimmedate thought: Oh YES! Hellow new day I am ready! I have NO idea where that came from because today is packed both with pleasant and boring stuff. So thanks for this energizing start.
Quantum Illumination Reiki feels so much stronger and lingers longer!
I have felt the need and abilitiy to be still. I felt like an old friend had shown up at my door and I welcomed this friend with a warm embrace. I felt love, cared for, brought back to myself in a way and cleased of all the negativity that was surrounding me.
At first I didn't have anything come up and then {all of a sudden} out of no where I realized what a situation that has been weighing on me was actually about and started to shift it!
It was great, I loved it! I felt more peaceful inside after getting the quantum illumination reiki, with much less anxious thoughts running through my brain. It helped my mind, body, emotional self relax, and move into a more peaceful state. Loved it!! I also received a download during the quantum illumination reiki about a block that’s been coming up for me. Thank you!!!
I am noticing physical differences, I'm sleeping better, my nervous system is less activated. I've and flashbacks and past memories and feeling surface that I wasn't aware of. I'm also starting to feel and become more sensitive to energy - internally and externally.
Since the session I have noticed that my intuitive abilities have increased!
I was asleep while you did the session. Recently I had some digestive issues and that's cleared now! Thanks for that. Generally I was very active at night, I slept peacefully last night!
My heart and solar plexus exploded with energy right before you mentioned seeing yellow and green
Such a calm came over me, immediately, so much so that I managed to handle a situation that would have sent me into a tailspin anxiety wise usually. I was able to keep my cool and stay the course for the entirety of it.
My foot is healed. Haven't done anything. No creme since the healing. Didn't even take it slow - long rides, long walks and totally active. My personal intention will be to calm my nervous system.
That was intense...first I felt literal blockage move through my digestive system and I've been "sick" for days. Then I felt all my spidey sense going off on top of my head. Then I felt a complete release of tension around my chest and belly button!