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The Evolution Membership

The membership for Healers where you're going to revolutionize the way you spread your gifts and heal the world

Immediate access to trainings, sacred community, meditations & content upon enrollment


It's time for you to step into your POWER

Does this sound like you?

🖤You're craving sisterhood and connection through your spiritual, mindset & healing journey because damn sometimes it feels so lonely and you're family just doesn't get it.


🧠You've done all the mindset work and you're still struggling with shit surfacing - like when is this layer just gonna peace tf OUT?!


⚡️You know you have spiritual gifts & abilities and you're either afraid to tap into them or unsure as to how to tap in and take them to the next level.


🔥You've been playing it small in biz (and life) and yet even though you know this, you still hide in the healer/witchy closet hoping you're not seen or heard.

You are SO F*CKING READY to unleash the POWERFUL Woman/Goddess within who deeply desires to step out into the world unapologetically in her truth

🔥It's time for your next level🔥


In this sacred community, you are going to experience deep rebirth and transformation on a soul level so you can show up more fully in your soulful business (and life).


You will experience profound healing techniques that keep you grounded on your path to self discovery and liberation creating confidence and clarity in all areas of your life.

No more hiding in the healer's closet or scanning around to decide if you're safe to be you - you OWN who you are

Breathing LIFE into yourself with support of myself & community as you transcend to higher vibrations

You'll be surrounded by like-minded soul family, no lone wolf here.  We RISE TOGETHER as a coven 🔥



Evolution Membership

You are going to clear the bull shit limiting beliefs & fears so you can  revolutionize the way you spread your gifts and heal the world

What's Included

1 live group coaching call/mo

Hot seat group coaching call where you will be able to ask anything and get coached by Christian to experience the profound clarity and transformation (yes, this includes RRT).

Monthly Trainings

Exclusive to members only & designed to support you in healing the witch wound and stripping away fears of being seen & heard, and imposter syndrome creating cycles of self sabotage

Group Quantum Illumination Reiki™️

1 group session each monthly to release low frequencies, clear out shit holding you back and raise your vibration.  Channeled by Christian & currently not available anywhere else

Meditations & Hypnosis

Members Only meditations that are infused with Quantum Illumination Reiki™️ and hypnosis that has immediate and lastly clearing using RRT Techniques (new ones added every month!)

Instant Access to Private community: The Coven

For support, sisterhood and connection to also include membership only meditations and content to stop hiding and stand in your POWER as healer.  The coven was never meant to be alone, we rise together.

Private Podcast Feed

Listen to all meditations, hypnosis, trainings, workshops and call replays on the go through your favorite podcast listening app - which is great if you want to listen on the go in your day to day life!

Member Only Bonuses

Free access to workshops & masterclasses Christian hosts while you're active in the membership

Private membership discounts on programs and 1x sessions while enrolled

What are you waiting for?!

Click Sign Up to begin your EVOLUTION. 


I live and BREATHE this

You’re hiding in the healer's closet and you're ready to fucking RISE


I know this because you’re here and I know how to help you because this was me too. 


My thoughts, beliefs and fears ruled my life and business, keeping me small and diminishing my voice and power. I didn’t trust myself to make this business work.  I felt inferior and an imposter, scared to talk about my gifts, fearing what others might think, and continuing to play small not to unsettle the boat. 

Fast forward to fall 2022 when I had a group of "spiritual leaders" come after me in a "witch hunt" with attempt at public defamation, harassing and cyber bullying - throw the gasoline on and yet STILL I RISE.




I proudly and unapologetically take up space at the motherf*cking table and I do so with confidence that I not only deserve to be here, I'M MEANT to be here and to be sharing my gifts with you and the world in my power. 


Feeling that full body f*ck YES!

Let's DO THIS! Click the button to begin your EVOLUTION 

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