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Illumination Insider

Learn more about Quantum Illumination Reiki™️  the newest, most innovative style of Reiki and how you can become the catalyst of change and join our official certification program

The Illumination Insider:
Quantum Illumination Reiki™️

The newest and most innovative reiki healing available to date healing at DNA, cellular & subconscious levels

You're going to get free exclusive insider access about this new style of reiki, what it is and how it differs from literally ANY other style of reiki on this planet PLUS learn how you can get trained and certified.  


You're also going to get a bonus including a private podcast feed where I'm giving you audio trainings unpacking:

✨why there is an entire shift in the healing industry and how QIR is at the pinnacle of massive change

✨how to leverage deeper client results to create quantum and 5D results

✨the next wave of healers that will raise the frequency of the world and stepping into your legacy building era

We're literally shaking up the healing industry, healing the vibration of the world and raising the frequency of our planet together.


See you inside

Christian Jones, Reiki Master with 9+ years experience and founder of Quantum Illumination Reiki™️

When I channeled Quantum Illumination Reiki in June 2021, I asked: Why this style, and why now?

The answer was clear: as humanity awakens and the planet’s frequency rises, we need higher frequencies to support deeper healing and ascension.


Quantum Illumination Reiki vibrates at a higher level, healing in ways traditional styles can’t, to meet the energetic demands of this new era.

It’s an honor to share this transformative modality with you.

Let’s heal, play, and ascend in the quantum field together.

QIR - The Insider


My headache was gone without a trace almost as soon as I got started. I had taken all my medication and none of it had worked. Also, it worked on my husband and his headache as well!


I could actually feel the tingling move from my left had to my right hand. Then when I placed them on my heart, it was like it soaked into my body and my hands stopped! I'm just blown away at the simplicity!


I did reiki and within minutes, it went from a pounding, crushing headache to dull. I saw the energy once I placed my hands on my third eye.


There have been a few triggers that are coming up. I could work through them without the fear of losing people/abandonment.


I've experienced with (learning) Reiki:

fewer and shorter last migraines/headaches, better rest, helped my toddler ease allergy coughing fits.


My energy summoned itself! And then guided me where it wanted to go. It was SO cool!


Sent (Reiki) healing energy to my mother who had been diagnosed with 'rona and not 30 minutes after I sat in this energy for her, she was able to eat and get up and has since been on the mend!


[A big win for me was] being able to call on the love energy and move out anxiety that crept in.


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