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Healing the Witch Wound Workbook

5 Signs you have a witch wound and how it's showing up as self sabotage and lack of client sessions in your healing business

Witch Wound Guide

Meet your Coach

Hey!  I'm Christian Jones.  I'm a Spiritual Business Coach for Healers and a Quantum Reiki Grand Master.  I am currently one of a small group across the entire world who has the ability to teach Quantum Reiki.

Just like you, I struggled to fully step into my power, own my gifts and voice and get my services out into the world with consistent paying clients.  I suffered from anxiety, depression and chronic burnout from learning to work in the 'hustle culture'.  

Through using these key steps that you're going to learn, I

  • dropped the hustle and stepped into masculine and feminine flow, no more burnout here!

  • stepped into alignment with my prices and services so I could be financially supported while serving my clients

  • got really fucking clear on my messaging and started brining in soul aligned clients & students consistently

  • continued to shift my mindset and bs limiting beliefs so I could show up and own who I am and what I offer

It's my mission to help healers, lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs to strengthen their gifts, transcend their business and help their clients expand further.  

I like to walk the talk: 

  • Helped over 100 women heal through combination or Quantum Reiki and coaching

  • Strengthen my own gifts and abilities through healing work 

  • Continued to raise my consciousness through healing myself

  • Been mentored and healed by incredible healers and mentors across the world so you can benefit too

Healing the Witch Wound Workbook

In this reflective workbook, you will learn:

  1. What exactly a witch wound is so you can easily identify them within yourself so you can finally stop self sabotaging and start booking aligned soulmate clients

  2. Top 5 signs you’re carrying a witch wound with full descriptions of what they mean and how they show up in your healing business so you can share your gifts and abilities without freezing in fear

  3. Journaling prompts that directly relate to the top 5 witch wounds so you can start the healing process and free yourself from the chains of lifetimes of the past and open your capacity to receive more soulmate clients


Signs of imposter syndrome as a healer, how it shows up in your healing business and the actual truths behind these soul sucking beliefs.  


Journaling prompts to support your healing process and to dive deeper.

What exactly IS a Witch Wound

And why the heck should you even care?!

The Witch Wound comes up in one of a few ways.

1. Soul Level.  

You personally carry the witch wound at a soul level because you were known as a witch in another life. 


You may have been judged, shunned, tormented or even murdered because you were a witch (aka healer).

2. Generational 

Someone in your lineage was a witch. 


Generational wounds can be literally imprinted in our DNA making specific situations feel so uncomfortable even when we cannot recall a time in our lives when it could have stemmed from.  

If you do not address the witch wound, it can be detrimental to your success in your healing business because it truly holds you back from

  • showing up in your power, leaving you frozen in fear

  • speaking your truth unapologetically because you're afraid of what might actually happen if you use your voice

  • your capacity to receive more soulmate clients, instead having a dis-regulated nervous system and feeding into the bs limiting beliefs

I've become so passionate about this because, I too was a witch in a past life. 


Clearing these wounds and liberating myself has enabled me to 

  • have deeper connections with women which has resulted in amazing friendships and also soulmate clients

  • speak my truth without fear which in turn ensures the correct people are coming into my life and business

  • own my personal power, no longer hiding in the shadows.  What you see is what you get, unapologetically!

  • grow a successful international healing business with ease that is supportive in my soul mission and is abundant af   

You have an incredible soul mission and I would love for you to clear the witch wounds, increase your capacity to receive and liberate yourself from the chains so you can finally have the healing business you've been manifesting.


Meet your Coach

Hey!  I'm Christian Jones.  I'm a Spiritual Business Coach for Healers, Intuitive and a Reiki Master.


Just like you, I struggled to fully step into my power, own my gifts and voice and get my services out into the world with consistent paying clients which led me to diluting my content, hiding in the 'woo woo' closet and struggling in my business.


I suffered from anxiety, depression and chronic burnout from learning to work in the 'hustle culture' (aka wounded masculine).  

Through using this workbook and journaling prompts you're going to learn how I

  • healed the Witch/Healer wounds so I now OWN my gifts and magic, no more hiding here!

  • Cleared the ‘good girl energy’ and no long just sit down and ‘obey’ because that’s what ‘good girls’ are supposed to do

  • continued to clear the energetics and patterns along with the bs limiting beliefs so I could show up and own who I am and what I offer

  • said peace the fuck out to imposter syndrome and finally rose from the ashes in my POWER and authenticity ​

As the Healer’s Healer, it's my mission to help healers, lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs to strengthen their gifts, transcend their business and help their clients expand further.  

I like to walk the talk: 

  • Helped over 100 women heal through combination or Reiki and coaching

  • Strengthen my own gifts and abilities through healing work 

  • Continued to raise my consciousness through healing myself

  • Been mentored and healed by incredible healers and mentors across the world so you can benefit too

This is what you can expect from this reflective workbook 

Are you ready to Heal the Witch/Healer wounds so you can OWN your gifts and magic?

I know that you're here on a huge soul mission with incredible gifts and abilities but you're feeling

  • You're not being true to yourself and others, feeling like you're living two different lives.

  • frozen in the witch wounds, afraid of judgment or what might happen if you use your voice and share your gifts.

  • stopped in your tracks wondering who the fuck am I to share this ability? Will anyone even believe I can do this?!


The truth is, there’s a lot of information out there that DOES work. 


It requires you to dig in and do the work versus putting everyone else first. 


I know you don’t want to feel the fear and chains weighing you down any more.​

Step into knowing:

  • What exactly witch wounds are and how they are affecting your healing business

  • The top 5 witch wounds I see in healers and in depth information as to what they actually mean so you can get off the self sabotage hamster wheel and finally manifest the business that you want

  • How to clear fears and limiting beliefs to step into your power as a healer so you can finally show up authentically with zero fucks given

  • The rarely talked about witch wound but one that NEEDS to be illuminated so we can transmute it.

BONUS: journaling prompts to support your healing process!

Image by Ksenia Yakovleva


To be honest I am still speechless. I knew about witchy stuff and have always been interested in (but also scared of) all that. And now that post... 🙈creepy AND mindblowing 


The witch wound is real!!!


The disconnection to other women is NEVER talked about but is so massive a sign!


I have (these irrational fears...never known why. .. being outside at night, intrigued by much and also hold back...So I have always been cautious.


Thankfully I’ve already starting working through this one! And all of them really, but the memory of the time before still lingers, even if I know I’m no longer her.


 I just want to say ‘WOW’! You really hit the nail on the head as far as what I and so many of my clients say to ourselves so often. I’ve never been able to put it into words like that so thank you 


Absolutely hit the nail on the head.  It’s crazy how intrigued I am by “witchy” stuff but fearful of it.  I Know I’m a descendant of many strong women who were viewed as witches/rebels the terms have varied through the decades


Sooooo many good points and things to remember.  I'm printing this one out!


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