I've been having SO much fun creating The Un/Tamed Healer and even more fun hearing how it's supporting and inspiring you!
Keep this in mind for yourself as you navigate through your life and business, if it feels FUN or feels like it gives you ENERGY - follow it! GO FOR IT. (Which is exactly why I launched my new podcast!)
If it drains you or takes away energy even just thinking about it, it's a NOPE.
I've been getting a lot of questions as to how to leave a podcast review, especially from my android users #teamandroid so I thought it would be useful to create a little how to for you!
If you would be so kind to leave me a review, I would be SO grateful!! This helps healers, lightworkers and soulprenuers with big hearts and missions like YOU connect with us as a soul tribe and family. We rise together.
Podcast reviews are one of the best ways to support your favorite shows. Not only do they help promote the show, but they also give other potential listeners an idea of what the show is all about.
I'll share below how to leave a review on a few different platforms. Comment below this post or slide into my DMs if you have any questions! I'm happy to help.
How to leave an rating or review in Apple Podcasts (on an iOS device)
Open the Podcasts app
Choose “Search” from the bottom row of icons and enter the name of the show (i.e., “The Mom Hour”) into the search field
Select the show under Shows (not under Episodes)
Scroll down past the first few episodes until you see Ratings & Reviews
Click “Write a Review” underneath the displayed reviews from other listeners. You’ll then have the option to rate us on a 5-star scale, and write a review if you choose (you can rate without writing, if you’d prefer)
How to leave a rating or review in iTunes (on a computer from a web browser)
Visit my Apple Podcasts page in your web browser
Click “Listen on Apple Podcasts” to the right of our logo; then accept the pop-up asking if you want to launch iTunes
In iTunes, click “Ratings & Reviews” under the main title
To rate the show, select a number of stars between 1 and 5 next to the words “Click to rate” under the Customer Ratings headline
To write a review, click “Write a Review” under the Customer Reviews heading
There isn't an option to leave a review here but you can leave a rating.
Your rating on Spotify is easy to find. Follow these steps:
Open the Spotify app on your device.
Find The Un/Tamed Healer podcast’s page, either by accessing it through your home page or searching for it. If you find yourself on a specific episode, tap the thumbnail to reach the show’s page.
Listen to at least one episode (Spotify requires this to leave a rating)
View the rating below the description. It will show you the average number of stars as well as the total number of ratings (rounded, of course).
Podcast Addict
Through the app to The Un/Tamed Healer podcast.
In the top right, click the 3 dots
Tap Reviews
In the top right, tap the paper with pen image
leave your rating and review
Click 'post review'
Amazon allows listeners to leave podcast reviews through their Amazon account. It’s basically like leaving any Amazon product review, but it’s kind of hidden.
On the podcast page, ratings show up at the top.
To leave a review, scroll all the way down – passed the episodes, recommend items to buy and you’ll get to this spot.
I hope this was supportive for you! I can't wait to read your reviews as well as hearing how it takes you to the next level as we rise together - I appreciate you SO much for leaving them!
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