To my boys on your last day of school.
Wow. Where did the school year go? I feel like I watched you grow and transform before my eyes. Your personalities came out even more this year. What a cool experience to be able to witness.
What I knew you had in you because you're military kids but I didn't realize how much until this world wide pandemic hit is your resilience.
We're going through this extremely strange and unknown time with the Corona Virus.
Though you don't probably know it right now, you're living in something that is going to be learned about years down the road. Your children will ask you how you survived Covid19 Pandemic that took over the world.
What I hope you remember is not the fear and stress and how it took plans away.
How you were unable to go to the park or how we couldn't go out and about like we normally do in the spring.
How we had to do birthdays from home and you couldn't play with your friends.
Or how your dad and I gave you an (awful 😂) authentic quarantine hair cut.
I hope you remember the slower, calmer mornings. Getting more sleep and feeling good.
I hope you remember getting to play LOTS, hike more with me and getting to see more of your daddy than you have in over a year.
I hope you remember times of laughter and creative time. The fun lunches that were delivered by our sweet base volunteers every single day until the end of the school year.
I hope you know how much your teachers love you and care about you.
They worked tirelessly to find creative ways to help you learn.
They also worked alongside parents to help them navigate through a time that they didn't even understand themselves.
I hope you remember how I tried my best to step in for your teachers.
I'm sure it was frustrating for you at times but WE DID IT!
You are amazing, smart, resilient, brave little humans and I am SO proud to be your mama.
I love you with all my heart and soul,