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Heal Your Inner Child


5-Day journey taking a radically different approach to healing that's playful & soothing to your nervous system Link arms with me as we take a radically different approach to healing your inner child that doesn't require you to navigate through painful emotions of the past or continuously sit with your emotions til they're gone. We are going to navigate through 👉common inner child wounds that show up as an adult, 👉heal/clear them, 👉step into your POWER as a Healer and OWN your incredible spiritual abilities you can get them out into the world with confidence healing people you know you're meant to heal in this lifetime. Using energetics mastery and subconscious reprogramming, I am going to guide you through a healing experience that is gentle on the nervous system with results that are felt immediately AND lasting. Here's how the 5 Days will go down... Day 1: Inner Child Healing as an Adult Day 2: Inner Child Healing the Fear of Being Seen/Known and Heard. Day 3: Inner Child Healing the Fear of Being Rejected. ​ Day 4: Self Doubt & energetic patterns lingering from inner child. Day 5: Q&A. BONUS: prep day to step into the vision and alignment for what you desire during our experience together. *lifetime of the program access*



Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $97.00/month
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note: this is for higher investment programs only and not available for masterclasses and workshops
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