The Coven
8 Week Portal to Unleash Your Inner Magick

It's time to step into your Inner Magick
I know where you are because I have totally been there...
👉Going down a rabbit hole and saving tons of videos on tiktok for how to actually amplify your soul's gifts buuuut never actually fully integrating what you're learning
👉Spending time in meditation healing your chakras, strengthening all your clairs and playing in the higher frequencies to amplify your abilities because that's what everyone says will work
👉You know you have spiritual abilities but you haven't even scratched the surface on what your inner magick is.
👉There's a lot of fear coming up and it's not because you need more certifications to actually prove that you can do the ability that you were literally born with.
👉Instead of amplifying your abilities and getting to know what you're capable of, you find yourself shoving them to the side, pretending they doesn’t exist OR you hide your abilities in the broom closet which feels like you're living 2 separate lives
You're not going to be burned at the stake this time, you are the granddaughter of the witches they couldn't burn ❤️🔥
It's time to tap into your soul's gifts & codes and own tf out of them
Here's what we will cover…
8 Week Portal for Healers to heal the parts of your nervous system that are keeping you in the shadows from unleashing your inner magick so you can confidently trust your intuitive downloads & abilities to heal the souls you're meant to heal in this lifetime.
You are going to journey together with me into The Coven
❤️🔥The Healer who has tapped into her soul's codes and spiritual gifts while owning them confidently
Inside The Coven
🔮we are going to meet bi-weekly via zoom where we will integrate what you're learning through the energy of play to build trust in your soul's gifts to anchor in the audio lessons even deeper, while connecting with other women in The Coven which also heals the sisterhood witch wound
🔮you'll have access daily access to a community where you'll have me in your back pocket (Tues-Thurs) to integrate each of the lessons, get coached and take aligned action together
Your 6 weeks will also include (4) trainings (via audio) with tangible aligned action (journaling, energetics mastery and more) to move you forward and UP in your power covering:
Week 1: Kick off Call & Training on Identifying fears around your abilities - looking at the how the fears have shown up around your spiritual gifts .You have been a badass at doing the inner work up to this point. Now, instead of just healing them, we're going to get clear on what they are through the lens of energetics and the human experience to see what they're telling you and taking back your POWER.
Week 2: Naming your Abilities - Having gifts is cool and all but if you're not able to convert that to the language of the 3d so other people can understand then your magick is left tapped in your mind, body & soul when it was meant to be spread into the world. You're going to be able to decipher what abilities you have and be able to clearly communicate what they are
Week 3: Integration Group Call - taking what you've tapped into so far and integrating them together on a group call to build confidence in your current abilities and connection with the women in our coven.
Week 4: Unlocking Your Hidden Abilities- There's glimmers of gifts that you have been shown that you've admired in others or have shown up in your life through dreams or as a child. You'll anchor into these codes that are unique to you while learning how to tap into them further so you can begin integrating them in your life and amplifying your client's healing experiences.
Week 5: Building Self Trust in Your Abilities (New & Known) - The answer to how you create trust and vanish doubt like you're fairy god mother waving a magic wand isn't through another meditation or asking your spirit guides for another sign. We are going to use the energy of PLAY to cultivate deep trust and evidence of how fcking POWERFUL you are.
Week 6: Group Coaching & Integration Call - your hidden abilities are going to come to life. In this call we will build self trust in the abilities that had been laying dormant as you amplify them through the energy of play in a safe environment building connection and self trust in your abilities and what you're here to do as a Healer in this lifetime.
Let's tap into your Soul's Codes in your MF'N POWER

The Coven
8 Week Portal to Unleash Your Inner Magick
In This Portal We Cover:
Incenerating Fear
Looking them dead in the fcking eyes and lighting the match on the fears as you step into the remembrance of your uniques abilities and soul codes
Cultivate Self Trust
Vanish doubt like you're fairy god mother waving a magic wand through the energy of PLAY
Naming Your Abilities
Decipher what spiritual gifts you currently have and be able to clearly communicate what they are
Witch Wound Healing
Connection with other powerful Healers across the world to heal the sisterhood witch wound across the lines of time
Unlocking Your Codes
Anchor into your soul codes that are unique to you while learning how to tap into them further to integrate them into your life & healing business
Grounded Spiritual Approach
Tapping into your higher self, spiritual gifts & abilities, subconscious reprogramming AND energetics.
Your Bonuses
Access to The Evolution Membership for 2 months for free
Lifetime replay available at your fingertips so you can revisit the content and refresh your memory any time!
The Coven Information
4 trainings for you to listen to and use in your own time including digestible pieces of content.
Juicy AF Bonuses to get your wheels turning and inspiration flowing for activation & self trust
An exclusive membership portal with unlimited access for the lifetime of The Coven.
Aligned action steps integrating spiritual, subconscious reprogramming & energetics to implement right away.