Shift Your Mindset Course
You know the thoughts you're having aren’t serving you, you need to shift your mindset to feel better and also heal. But where do you begin?

That inner mean girl gets loud.
Doesn't she? It seems that there are times when that inner voice (mean girl as I call her) just has a LOT to say.
She is only trying to keep you safe. She remembers those things you've been though, the things that have hurt you in the past and wants to help prevent you from doing it again.
But that inner mean girl is preventing you from living your LIFE.
The things she said gets loud, can be belittling, demeaning and honestly? Even though she is trying to keep you safe, those things are down right mean.
She says things like:
You're not good enough.
You're not capable of doing that.
You'll probably just fail again anyway.
You're not a very good mom/wife/friend.
And so much more.
Truth is, you KNOW those thoughts you're having aren’t serving you (and NONE of them are true!), you need to shift your mindset to feel better and also heal. But where on EARTH do you begin?
Hey Love! I'm Christian!
This is where I come in!
I'm a Spiritual Business Coach for Healers and Healer, boy mama of 2 and an angel as well as an Air Force wife. I love nature walks, sunshine, writing and creating, binging Gilmore Girls, football, crystals and all things WOO!
I remember what it's like to have the inner thoughts taking over my life. None of them served me, many made me feel like shit. I continuously felt low self worth, constantly questioning myself and never feeling good enough or like what I was doing was enough. I'm absolutely an overcoming people pleaser, workaholic and overachiever.
I had NO clue on how to shift everything I was feeling and thinking to feel better.
I stumbled into my Spiritual Awakening and truly learned the power of energy, my thoughts and how I actually DO have the ability to change my life through changing my thoughts. This is a HUGE reason why I am here today as a spiritual business coach for healers, reiki healer and WHY I created this course.
Shift Your Mindset is designed to help you learn how to shift your thoughts through understanding yourself a little deeper and give you tools (some woo / spiritual based) to help you feel a little bit better!
Why just a little bit better?
Because while, yes, feeling good is the goal, it's not always realistic to go from feeling 0 to 100. If you can feel even just a LITTLE better, that can make the difference!
I can't wait to see how you feel and what you discover about yourself through shifting your mindset.

Your awareness is the first step.
All it takes a shift in perspective to change your reality.
In This Course We Cover:
The A.W.A.R.E.
Ever just push through negative thoughts or funky feelings in your body? You know that you feel a way that is off or you’re thinking a way that doesn’t feel good but you keep plowing through?
I’ve created a simple method to help you pause to be AWARE of your thoughts/feelings and help you gently move through them in a loving way that serves you so you can feel better!
Shifting Energy From Your Lower 3 Chakras
What if I told you that by shifting to being curious about the lower 3 chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus) and healing what's surfacing for you there could connect you more to your upper chakras and also help you feel even better?
This also includes topics around fear, self worth, self doubt, guilt. If you struggle with those emotions, this is going to be a great step for you!
Movement Moves Energy
How to understand the energy that you're holding in your body, what it could be telling you and how to shift it. I'm going to give you fun and easy ways to shift energy out of your body - some you may not even have thought of.
I'll even share a few weird activities that I've started doing as it feels aligned that I haven't told many people that I do! You're going to be surprised at what you can do to move energy out.
Bonus Content
What Are You Going To Do With This Information video. How to implement what you've learned with understanding consistency is key. Reminders and rituals.
PDF files with journaling prompts, homework assignments and resources mentioned throughout each video to help you further in your healing journey.
Course Information
4 Videos
4 extra pieces of bonus content
3 hours of content
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