reCLAIM Your Abilities
3-Day Experience to name & claim your spiritual gifts & remember the soul essence of what you’re here to do as a Healer (Free through 10/15)
It's time to reclaim your spiritual abilities
Free 3-Day Experience where you are going to step into the essence of the spiritual abilities and soul codes you were literally put here on this planet to do.
They're not lost, you're not lost. This is a coming home to YOU and what is innately yours.
You know you have spiritual abilities
You have named some of them like reiki, mediumship, tarot reader but you haven’t fully brought them into 3d verbiage for your soulmate clients to understand
You want to tap into your soul’s unique codes & utilize them through fun flow ease & play
You don't need another meditation or to do more 3rd eye chakra clearing. Let's link arms and I'll show you the way.
Here's how we will PLAY over the 3 days
Day 1: What abilities do you know you have?
Pulling back the curtain and shining a light on your abilities and amplifying them more so you can have full clarity on your specific abilities, build confidence in yourself around them and communicate them clearly to magnetize your soulmate clients
Day 2: Soul Codes
Going 10 layers deeper into your soul's abilities that you haven't yet put a name to so you can taking your clients healing to new depths and heights plus begin sharing with the world what exactly it is that only YOU do that will help those you're meant to serve in this lifetime.
Day 3: Energy of PLAY
We're going deeper than basic meditations and 3rd eye chakra clearing that you've done 537 million times and now we're going to build confidence through actually using your abilities and soul codes, getting to know them, discovering what you can do and the POWER you're truly capable of.
Welcome to the Healer's World Tour
I’m Christian, your Healing Leader, Spiritual Mentor for Healers and creator of Quantum Illumination Reiki™️
It's my mission to raise the frequency of the planet and help healers step into their power so we can do it together
I like to walk the talk:
Had an attempt of being "cancelled" online and rose from the ashes in my mf'n POWER
Helped over 200 women heal through a combination of Reiki and coaching
Taught 50+ students Reiki all over the world in my reiki certification program.
Strengthen my own gifts and abilities through healing work using my Grounded Spiritual Approach of spiritual tools, energetics mastery, energy healing and subconscious reprogramming
Been mentored and healed by incredible healers and mentors across the world so you can benefit too
The truth is…I embody tf out of the work I teach as I set YOUR soul on FIRE and I know when you walk away, you will rise above the flames in your POWER too.
I LOVED that visual 😍 It definitely cleared a lot!! Can‘t really tell what exactly but I definitely felt lighter. I will always be amazed how such a short visual can change SO much in just a few minutes
I enjoyed the visuals in day 2. realized that this clearing was SO needed! ...thank you for bringing me more joy and ease with that masterclass
My aha moment was the just use it. I focus on the how do I do it. How should I practice/focus. But I don’t just do it. I also realizaed my confidence is 'Calm Confidence'
Today was so powerful for me as well. Ty again for everything you do! I am so excited for my new journey ahead with an amazing group of powerful women!!
listening to day 2 and 3 felt like pressing the reset button. All worries and so many fears cleared. ...juggling the move, exams, past memories and family troubles. Thanks for clearing all of that. This afternoon/evening really feels like vacation.