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Image by Aditya Saxena

Melt Away Imposter Syndrome

Step into a 60 minute portal where you'll clear your imposter syndrome through subconscious reprogramming so you can own your voice & magic in your business

Immediate access upon enrollment

Let me guess, this is you...

There’s a voice inside your head that stops you in your tracks and has you frozen in fear every time you even think about showing up online or sharing your gifts and abilities.


You have a deep knowingness that you’re here to make an impact, to leave the world a better place than you found it when you arrived and yet every time you go to open your mouth and share, it feels like someone is going to figure out you’re a fraud.

You wonder - What if I DO make it big and expand to the next level in my business?!  Will I be talked about? Fear of making the impact at the level you KNOW you're here to make which has left a glass ceiling preventing you from launching the podcast, creating the signature program, hosting the retreat or stepping into that next level in your healing biz.


Thoughts creep into your your head that say: 

Who am I to say I can actually deliver the healing and abilities I have?!


I need 'just one more' certificate to prove I can do this!


Who am I to charge THAT for my services and abilities?


I'm too young for people to take me seriously.


I'm too old to start a new business

Who am I to lead/heal others when I still have a lot to heal myself?!


Who am I to be wealthy or successful when I'm here to help people?!

Heyyyyy, I'm Christian, your Healer Fairy Goddess Mother


I'm going to wave my magic wand & banish all the sources of empowerment impurities that have been clogging up your soul’s most potent and powerful tool in this human experience…


your mind.

Look, it’s not enough to JUST take a spiritual & energetic approach to healing…

Inside this 60 minutes, I am going to walk you through...

  • What exactly is imposter syndrome so you can easily identify how and where it's showing up in your life and business, close the energetic leaks and show up with authority + confidence to magnetize your soulmate clients 

  • Aligned af action steps you can take right away to take back your power and own your gifts and voice in your business.

  • Subconscious mind hacks (reprogramming accelerators) that will literally re-wire the unhelpful thoughts and emotions where you will have immediate relief without even lifting a finger. 


In this masterclass, we are going to dive right into the root of what is currently holding you back in a FUN, light and extremely fast way using the RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy) perspective.  

A form of psychotherapy created by Dr Jon Connelly designed to neutralize trauma *without* having to relive the pain of the experience. The magic of this modality is that it does the job and it does the job FAST, accessing subconscious thoughts, emotions and beliefs before neutralizing them once and for all. 

Melt Away Imposter Syndrome {as a Healer} Masterclass is a combination of spirituality AND RRT perspective to shift and neutralize imposter syndrome so you can get your badass gifts out into the world and make the impact we KNOW you’re here to make


Melt Away Imposter Syndrome Masterclass

Lean back while I melt away the imposter syndrome so you can get step into confidence in your abilities, being excited to show up online & unapologetically living out your soul mission

Here's what goes down in this experience...

What is imposter syndrome?

Including how it shows up in your life and in your healing business so you are aware of how it has been showing up.

4 Ways to take your power back

and free yourself from Imposter Syndrome once and for all which will also include subconscious shifts to move you forward immediately without lifting a FINGER

Subconscious Mind Accelerators

Diving into all possibilities to shift and rewire your mind and feelings from how things have been to aligned af using the RRT Perspective

Your VIP Add Ons

Private Audio Feed

You'll be provided video AND private audio feed access so you can listen on the go from a private podcast link any time.

Unconscious level breakthroughs and shifts using the RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy) perspective created by Dr. Jon Connelly (scroll for more info about RRT)

Image by Sierra Koder

What clients have said when I asked them to access the feeling after clearing...

Getting them into the desire.

Imagine no longer being consumed by thoughts of who am I to do this (insert badass ability) or can I even launch/expand my business to the next level?!

Imagine not even being able to access the unhelpful emotions like fear, panic and anxiety that flood your body - instead of stopping you in your tracks, you go after your desires with your soul on fire.

👉🏻 I can’t access it  - Mona 


👉🏻 i don't remember - Daisy 


👉🏻 I literally, can't even remember at all what it was - Annonymous 

👉🏻 its like static cant connect - Moji


👉🏻 I feel lighter, freer, less stressed and no anxiety - Maria

Melt Away Imposter Syndrome Masterclass

Lean back while I melt away the imposter syndrome so you can get step into confidence in your abilities, being excited to show up online & unapologetically living out your soul mission

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