8 Week Portal to Unleash Your Inner Magick🔮 Let me guess...this is you 👉Googling how to actually amplify your soul's gifts buuuut never actually using them 👉Spending time in meditation healing your chakras and strengthening all your clairs to amplify your abilities because that's what everyone says will work 👉You know you have spiritual abilities but you haven't even scratched the surface on what your inner magick is. 👉There's a lot of fear coming up and it's not because you need more certifications to actually prove that you can do the ability that you were literally born with. 👉Instead of amplifying your abilities and getting to know what they are and what you're capable of, you find yourself hiding your abilities in the broom closet which feels like you're living 2 separate lives You're not going to be burned at the stake this time, you are the granddaughter of the witches they couldn't burn ❤️🔥 It's time to tap into your soul's gifts & codes and own tf out of them In this 8 Week Portal you are going to unleash your inner magick so you can confidently trust your intuitive downloads & abilities to heal the souls you're meant to heal in ❤️🔥The Healer who has tapped into her soul's codes and spiritual gifts while owning them confidently 8 Weeks together through 3 group coaching calls, a private messaging app, inspirational audios with tangible aligned action (journaling, subconscious reprogramming and more) to move you forward and UP in your power covering: ❤️🔥 Identifying fears around your abilities ❤️🔥Naming Your Abilities ❤️🔥Unlocking Your Hidden Abilities ❤️🔥Building Self Trust in Your Abilities (New & Known) Let's tap into your Soul's Codes in your MF'N POWER