What you need to know about your healing business or personal healing journey right now (tailored to you) so you can tap in and step more into your power.
These are 20 minute (pre-recorded) readings where I will use my psychic, intuitive abilities alongside Oracle Cards to relay to you what you need to know about your healing business or personal healing journey right now (tailored to you) so you can tap in and step more into your power.
- This includes intutive and psychic guidance as I connect to your spirit guides to learn what it is that you need to know right now as pertains to your healing business or personal healing journey. This comes to me through visuals, audible words/phrases/sentences, feelings and experiences.
PLUS my 2 best selling classes to support you in stepping in your power, owning who you are and what you're here to do AND get your gifts out into the world (if you have one of these, they can be swapped out for a different masterclass/workshop)
️🔥The Void
️🔥Melt Away Imposter Syndrome Masterclass
This is PERFECT if you want to see the power and magic of channelled gifts, activation and clarity combined
You will be provided with a private video recording of your reading to keep as well as lifetime access of the masterclass & workshop.
$188 value: only $99
Samhain Reading Bundle for Healers
Upon purchasing, you will receive an email with a form to fill out to provide me with the infomation you'd like me to know about your reading.
Your reading will be conducted the week of Halloween business days upon completion of the form and will be received via email. Please add christian@andsherises.com to your contact list.
You will automatically be added to our group Quantum Illumination Reiki session on10/22.